English Boards > Support

"Selection Required" modifier


Hi Emre,
I've tryed to use the "selection required" check box for the cooking of the meat.
But it works only if the item needing the modifier is selected, otherwhise no pop up appear when you close the ticket.

I don't know if it'a bug or if it was intended in this way, but will be more helpfull if the popup appear even when the item needing the modifier is not selected. Could be possible ?

Hi Maozen,

You need to set a pop up yourself. I tried selection required but found a pop up would only apear if you tried to delete the required modifier.

Could you please give a step by step description of what you require. Is it just a pop up you require?

You need a different action "display popup"

For the selection required feature to work you need to turn on 'Auto Select' in the Product Properties of the Menu. That way when you select an item that has a modifier assigned to it, it will show the modifiers and will warn you if no modifier has been selected.

If 'Auto Select' is not selected in the Menu, then the warning only appears if you select the item to show the modifers and hit Close.

Thanks John for this Very Useful Hint.!! I was wondering if i was doing something wrong.



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