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database slower

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SQL Compact is faster because multiple connection features removed for making it fast. It is good for solving local data storage problems. On some systems finishing first ticket might be slower with SQL Express because of some caching operations but after creating first ticket it should work fine.

Additionally... One of our first SambaPOS installation is working at a 7/24 restaurant with 1 server 2 wall kiosks and 3 handheld terminals. They are using SQL Express and they've created more than 75.000 tickets and 150.000 orders without any issues, slowness or other database related problem. We only visit them when we are hungry :)

Well, I am also running 2 terminals and a server with SQL Express, no speed issues on the terminals at all. The server does however show some strain, but that is because of SQL Server running of it, not because of SambaPOS, and of course it is not a state of the art pc, little bit old, sorry ..... very old, it is only a Celeron 2.4GHz with 1GB RAM and I push it too the limit with all the other stuff I do as well.

Point is that SambaPOS does not cause any issues at all.


--- Quote from: spanky on April 02, 2012, 02:07:05 pm ---PC is a AMD Sempron 1.9 ghz - 2 giga ram

--- End quote ---

Personally, I will not use AMD processors as they are not a business class processor.

We use Intel ATOM CPU's for the workstations, and Intel i7's for the servers. Standalone workstations running SQL Express are still only Intel ATOM processors and run well.

John ..... it will soon be my birthday *hint hint*

I would also suggest to go with Intel if you want to ensure best performance and stability, but in my case, I have to use what I have since the business is very young ;)


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