English Boards > Support

problems with recipes and inventory !!!

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5. make sale (shrimps) 1 order

and when i go to see reports--->inventory reports it say that shrimps are still 100, but i already sale 1 order(10 shrimps).
can you tell me how to sove this problem ?
i saw thet some time when i go on recipes--->shrimps and the product options still empty but i was put it before but looks like it daesn't save it. please help.
sory for my bad english

Did you end the work period and check the report again?

yes but the result is the same.
i forget to tell that samba pos work on tx mode.
yestarday after i post this i install samba pos on another coputer and i install SQL EXPRESS and it works.
is it posible to have this problem only on TX mode ?

TX is really only for evaluating SambaPOS. It uses a text file as the database.

You are always better off using Compact SQL for standalone terminals or SQL Express for networked setups.


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