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Take Away order not printing with correct template

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I tryed to setup Take Away ordering it's ok with right menu, i need to use a different order template but orders come out with normal order template.

Following what i've done, what's wrong ???

Created a <take away> department setting like fast food.

Created a take away price list, and action and rules for enable the <Take Away Price List> for the <Take Away Department> at application startup and everything works fine.....

Created a different order template called <Ordine Take Away>

Created a print job called <Stampa Take Away>  with the following parameters :
close ticket : checked
display at POS screen : checked
display at terminal screen : checked
printing content : only new line (tryed also with all lines)
auto printer after : new lines added (tryed also all lines)
print mapping :
department : Take Away
Printer : Kitchen Printer
printer template : Ordine Take Away (the one i created)


I think what you mean with order template is "Print Job". To be able to activate a print job you need to add it to default terminal on "Management > Settings > Terminals" list.

Yes it was :
order template=print job
print job=printer template

Next time i will use right terms sorry!

Anyway... with one answer you solved 2 problems!

now i understood why the march notification was not printing !! (http://forum2.sambapos.org/index.php/topic,338.msg2106.html#msg2106)



--- Quote from: maozen on April 04, 2012, 03:36:20 pm ---Yes it was :
order template=print job
print job=printer template

Next time i will use right terms sorry!

--- End quote ---

No problem. All these mistakes are valuable feedbacks for us. We still have things to do for improving ease of use.

i was too quick to reply....
I solved the problem with march notification, but Take Away in still printing with the wrong printer template.... is using the standard one....

tomorrow will try again....

which is the correct settings for :

printing content :
auto printer after :



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