English Boards > Support

Seasonal products availability


I'm used to change my menu at least each 2/3 months,due to season changes, new creation of the chef or simply to offer something new to customers.

E.G. There's something like15 kind of fried dishes that i use, but usually only something like 10 of them are available in the restaurant menu.

There's any system to "disable" a product and don't let him appear in the POS menu and then let him "available for selling" again ?

Inserting and deleting items each time will be "boring" while keep all the products (even the temporary unused) on the screen will be messy....


What would you think about preparing multiple menus once and activating one of them when needed?

As emre suggested you can have multiple menus or You can select only those items you want to serve in your POS menu, that is just a click away. That should be easy.

Even if you want to disable the products you need to walk through the products in your menu atleast once, including/excluding the items into your menu is very easy if you have already added those products in your setup

Thanks guys good suggestion!!


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