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I need to add calculated field to ticket [resolved]

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I need to display an amount of money on the ticket,
this amount of money is the result of {TOTAL TICKET} multiplied by 11,5
I tried :

Dirhams: {TOTAL TICKET} * 11,5

But it just prints as it is, and what I need it to do is calculation .... any help would be appreciated.

Can you  explain your Problem in detail as what is your requirement? The way you are calculating is not right. We have service templates which can be used for populating any % based calculation

Hi and thanks for your quick reply,
My SambaPOS system is configured with Euro currency which suits my needs.
but because we are located at a location where sometimes poeple pay in Dirhams, we need to display the price in dirhams as well, and basically we need to display something like this :
TOTAL : 20,00 Euro 
(230,00 Dirhams)
We have the line with Euro Total and now we need to add the line with Dirhams Total (which is equal to : Euro Total * 11,5)

thanks again.

I tried the template system, but the problem is that it always sums the result to the {TICKET TOTAL} and that is not logic in our case.
Can any one point me to some place where sambaPOS can make calculations and display them on ticket ?

Hello khamlichi.
When a feature first requested I wait until it gets requested by some other people too.

On this topic it requested for printing netto, brutto details of taxes .

And on this topic again it requested for displaying a tax calculation.

Now you need same feature for printing ticket total on different currency.
We do not support multiple currencies on V2 but printing it may help.

So I'll try to implement something for that.


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