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I think I have to add a small hint under PrintJob editing page about this.

Big red letters?

Is it possible to list the terminals that are assigned to the print job someway, or could we select the terminals while creating the print jobs?

A small guide in English would be perfect.
Now I will present another problem.
Should I print an invoice with a different numerator.
I did it this way:
- Added invoice numerator
- Create ticket tag with updated settings and numerator invoice.
- copy print job and modified printed invoice template.
Now: I managed by pressing the button to change ticket tag numerator, but not
I manage to print the document also because the print button is not displayed.

If you want to print it when it gets tagged you can add another rule that will handle "Ticket Tag Selected" event and execute "print invoice" print job with "Execute Print Job" action.

I did not create the print button. I tried an installation on a clean laptop and it works. I think there's a problem with the database.


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