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SambaPOS 2.95 Released!

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As an alternative we can print separate tickets by seat with ticket item tag filtering feature.
Other than grouping items by seat that design will need further implementation for calculating and printing sub totals.



First of all (this is my first post) thanks to all who make this wonderful software possible.

I have an error with Format & ToNumber functions in a 2003 server environment.

It works fine on Windows 7 but in 2003 server doesn't recognize functions (twice are spanish 32 bits). I'm looking for .net patches  related to this issue

IE if I try to print in 2003 this is the result

Print Code
[=ToNumber('{TICKET TOTAL}')] (Ticket Total is 1.50)

Printed Result
=ToNumber('1.50')  It might be 1.50 as in Windows 7

I've tested with and without single and double commas ToNumber("{T....  & ToNumber({... and the print is the same. It seems it doesn´t work when the parameter is a function. It works only with a number. (in 2003 server, in Windows 7 it works like a charm)

It fails when using spanish .NET runtimes. (2003,xp, 7 tested) It works using english .Net downloads


--- Quote from: jadeniz on April 29, 2012, 09:57:19 am ---Update:
It fails when using spanish .NET runtimes. (2003,xp, 7 tested) It works using english .Net downloads

--- End quote ---

Hmm.. It makes more sense now. It seems I have to debug it with Spanish .net installation.


--- Quote from: jadeniz on April 29, 2012, 09:57:19 am ---Update:
It fails when using spanish .NET runtimes. (2003,xp, 7 tested) It works using english .Net downloads

--- End quote ---

FYI: I've updated implementation. I'll be happy if you can test it when 2.96 releases.


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