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Printing Change Due & Amount Tendered on Receipts ?


I followed the settings below. John thanks for this guide. My problem is when I get a reciept; Tendered and Change Due dont show the last 2 digits. What could it be the problem ?  Thank you...
For example:

Total:            7,07
Tendered:     10
Change Due: 2

It shoul be

Total:            7,07
Tendered:     10,00
Change Due: 2,93



Add Change Due & Tendered to Receipt Template
Settings -> Printer Templates -> {Select your receipt template} -> Edit Printer Template
   - Add the following into the Footer Template section (format as required)
      <J00>Change Due|${TICKETTAG:Change Due}

Add new Action Ticket Tag - Amount Tendered
Settings -> Actions -> Add Action
   - Action Name = Ticket Tag - Tendered
   - Action Type = Update Ticket Tag
   - Tag Name = Tendered
   - Tag Value = [Setting Value]

Add new Action Ticket Tag - Change Due
Settings -> Actions -> Add Action
   - Action Name = Ticket Tag - Change Due
   - Action Type = Update Ticket Tag
   - Tag Name = Change Due
   - Tag Value = [Setting Value]

Add new Rule for Reset Change Due & Tendered - If this Rule exists, don't add it again
Settings -> Rules -> Add Rule
   - Rule Name = Reset Change Due and Tendered
   - Event Name = Ticket Created
   - Actions
      - Update Tendered Amount - Setting Value = 0
      - Update Change Due - Setting Value = 0

Add new Rule for Update Change Due & Tendered - If this Rule exists just edit the Rule and add the last two Actions.
Settings -> Rules -> Add Rule
   - Rule Name = Update Change Due and Tendered
   - Event Name = Change Amount Updated
   - Actions
      - Update Tendered Amount - Setting Value = [TenderedAmount]
      - Update Change Due - Setting Value = [ChangeAmount]
      - Ticket Tag - Tendered - Setting Value = [TenderedAmount]
      - Ticket Tag - Change Due - Setting Value = [ChangeAmount]

Add new Rule for no Change Due
Settings -> Rules -> Add Rule
   - Rule Name = No Change Due
   - Event Name = Payment Received
   - Conditions
      - Setting Check - TENDERED = 0
   - Actions
      - Update Tendered Amount - Setting Value = [Amount]
      - Ticket Tag - Tendered - Setting Value = [Amount]
      - Ticket Tag - Change Due - Setting Value = 0.00

It's been solved. Thank you.


Glad to hear it has been solved.

What was the fix, incase other people have the same issue.

Although Regional and Languages Options were set to English(U.K) SambaPos was showing price with "," instead "."    I set to English(U.S) and back to (U.K) and  started to work properly.


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