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reprint order



--- Quote from: emre on April 10, 2012, 07:43:50 am ---Here are the new features:

+ Grouping orders by order numbers with {ORDER NO} tag.
Sometimes kitchen personnel looses order paper. When you need to reprint all orders to kitchen printer you can group items by order number. It will be useful for understanding what served and what is waiting for serve.

--- End quote ---

I saw in the emre post about rel 2.95 that it's possible reprint a kitchen order.

I was trying to do this since a couple of days before trying to use ticket tag actions and print job but i wasn't be able to do it......

Looking around for the forum i've found some reference to a button for reprint but nothing who specify how to do it, so i thinked it should be a ticket tag but it doesn't work, there's another way to add buttons who made some functions ?

It's possible only reprint the whole order or it's possible to reprint only some lines ? and how i do it ?


Duplicate "Print Orders to Kitchen Printer" print job.
**Enter a Button header name something like "Kitchen Reprint"
Change printing content as "All Lines"
Change Auto Print After as "Manual"
Change other settings as you want.

The important part is the "Printer Template" setting. You can create a new Printer Template for reprints and group them by "Order No". If you did so you'll change "Printer Template" too..

Don't forget adding it to a terminal :)

If we use some new SambaPOS features we can tag lines as "reprint" and print only these lines but I think all orders grouped with order no will be more useful for understanding what served.

In fact we do not enable kitchen reprint feature on restaurants we setup. Because loosing a kitchen order paper is a big mistake and it is an issue that we need to focus on. We experienced on some busy kitchens personnel intentionally loose orders and blame it didn't printed :)

The only time I would want to reprint a kitchen order is with a paper jam or out of paper issue......

Definitively i've to watch better the mask...... Thanks Emre

For me is the same, the only time i need to reprint is due to printer errors.


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