Author Topic: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?  (Read 39686 times)


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post code integrasyon for united kingdom?
« on: April 11, 2012, 08:26:24 am »

in united kingdom there is lots of takeaway shop , they all need sambapos but they need to find costumer address without asking to customer is there any change sambapos can find the uk adrees from postcode database?
 with out internet connection ?

best regards


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Re: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2012, 09:21:19 am »

Postcode is copyrighted by the post office and the database is licensed but I am not sure of the cost (I am now!).

See here

A copy of the post office database was leaked on the internet a while ago.


PS and here
« Last Edit: April 13, 2012, 09:24:20 am by jenem »


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Re: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2012, 04:28:37 am »

thanks for info but who will integrate in SambaPos :)  definitely not me :)

but I can supply post codes somehow,



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Re: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2012, 05:06:00 am »
So you want to find someone's address by their phone number? Is that right?
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Re: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2012, 10:40:26 am »
if it possible to do that of course , that will be great



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Re: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2012, 01:54:27 pm »
As I learned from Wikipedia:

Full PostCode database contains 27.5 million delivery points.
It is copyrighted
4,000 postcodes added each month and 2,000 existing postcodes terminated.
Can be licensed with updates by paying between £3,750 and £75,000. (thanks Edgar)

The correct question should be:
"How can we republish a copyrighted database for free with an open source application?"


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Re: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2012, 02:21:06 pm »
Hmmmm , good point,

can you use something like this]

just the idea :)



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Re: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2012, 02:53:23 pm »


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Re: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2012, 03:52:59 pm »
I think I have missed the point ???
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Re: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2012, 05:30:41 pm »
me too


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Re: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2012, 06:37:59 pm »
me three :D

Normally, for new customer, you ask the phone number and address.
Then if s/he order again, you will know the address by the phone number.
Even if you already have the address in the database, I would strongly suggest to confirm again the address because there is still a small chance that the customer moved.

Now, let's say you can integrate the post office database into samba pos!
I would say, most of the time the phone number would be the land line and not cellular phone number that's why the number would be 90% correct (10% would be if the customer change a new number if they moved, for this case those who live in apartment)
Thus, most probably you won't have their cellular number. And how many people using cellular phone now?
Even let's say, the post office get their cellular number. How accurate is their location when they make the order?
They can order for the office, or their friend (if they were watching let's say soccer together at friend's house), or if they stay in hotel?
Thus, their address can change!

So, assuming their address never change would be a mistake!
It would be wise to double check their address again!

Just my two cents!

« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 07:55:26 am by oda »


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Re: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2012, 07:23:29 am »
@oda: Exactly

With the delivery and takeout system I'm used to, you have the option of importing 'Melissa Data'. It's not LIVE like the systems suggested previously. The customer makes a one time purchase that has all the current information, at that time, but it's up to them to keep it up to date by purchasing new maps every year. The maps can be purchased by zipcode or radius so the system can readily tell you if a customer's address is within a certain delivery area. Which is handy for giving quick responses concerning availability. It's always disappointing to sit on hold for 5 minutes only to be told your not in the coverage area. It also provides address verification and maps for delivery drivers. It doesn't however have any phone number associations due to the reasons previously mentioned by oda. Honestly while I think the feature is really cool. In the 200+ installs I've done, MANY of them pizza, I've only used that feature 2x. Eventually it will be an 'in demand' feature so I'd be looking towards it but for right now I'm not seeing a huge need.


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Re: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2012, 08:07:48 am »

If  we all just want to know the location.
The simple way is to use google maps I think.
Now, it would be good if samba pos can hook it up with google maps for the delivery order.
Maybe like:
1. Answer the phone and ask the phone number
2. Enter the customer address if it is the first time order, if not next step
3. There will be a pop up or maybe something similar to the table with google calendar thing, where we can see the location. (would be best if in can input automatically like the direction to go there from the restaurant. thus we will know the distance and time, also we will now if it is in our area of delivery)
4. Take the order if it is in our area.
5. Ticket Print along with the direction to go there.

Now that would be something, but then again. For repeat customer, our driver should know the address already :P
Thus, this would mean a waste of paper. Unless, we can make the option to print the direction or not.

Just my two cents!



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Re: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2012, 10:06:42 am »
@oda Yes! That would be the most internationally friendly way to go about it. I think Melissa Data only covers the U.S. and Canada. There's address verification for a lot of other countries but I don't think most people need just that. The only reason I like Melissa Data right now is because once you buy the map, which is only about $100, it's yours. You don't have to worry about license renewals or anything like that.

Google Maps API Licensing


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Re: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2012, 12:55:02 pm »
yes you all right but we were talking about: where can we get postcode databese united kingdom/?

SambaPos needs to use a caller id and postcode database, thats all

whoever  calling hone no pop up on screen and you will ask what is the post code (if its new cusumer) if its existing customer his or her address will pop up automatically.