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item selection

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I know its been a while but I cant find a rule or action to select a item on the ticket and carry out an operation on that. or am I being blind?

I know you can use a rule to select potion or modifier but is a rule being considered to just work on selected/highlighted  item on the ticket?



Hey Edgar,

What are you trying to do?

Hi John,

Nice to talk !!
Its this discount thing, Maybe I'm a bit thick here but it seems to me that when I created a discount button, the discount would apply to the full ticket amount. My brother asked me if it was possible to apply a discount to a selected item.

For example it may be that he decides one morning to offer a item at a discount to sell of perishable stock, but it may be different stock other days. or as I said before apply a 50% discount to one coffee out of an order of three coffees.

I know Emre pointed gave an example of using modifiers to offer discounts on an item but perhaps a discount button that could work on a selected item would be of benefit.



You can use multiple price definitions. 25% Off, 50% Off, etc
Using Rules & Actions, setup a 25%/50% Off Button (Ticket Tag) and have it change the Price Tag for the last item added. This will help with controlling which items get a discount.

What this does allow, is if you have a Discount Price Definition, have it selected on login, and each day you update the items that you want to discount by adding a discounted price. If an item does not have a discounted price then it is sold at the regular price.
This is more secure when you have staff.

My other solution will need Emre to add a new Action to use the Change Price button. Since we can now multiply numbers with Update Program Settings, we could setup 25% & 50% Off Actions and an Action to Change Price for Last Item Added.

Line Added To Ticket -> Save Item Price -> {:Last Item Price}
Ticket Tag Selected (50% Off) -> Multiply {:Last Item Price} by Discount (0.50 - 50% Off) -> Change Price Last Item Added

That would make an easier way to apply single item discounts. But easier for staff to apply discounts to friends.

Hi John,

thanks for replying!

The problem is if a person forgets to add discount but then selects it (It may be anywhere within the order) I dont think last item works on selecting other item in list other than the last item added to ticket.

I think what would work for this and other not apparent uses is a action such as "Item Selected" This could offer other possibilities.

What do you think? would a "Item Selected" action be of benefit?



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