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item selection

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I see you point. That's why I thought of a discount price definition as this would be global, but is an issue with new and old stock in the same product lines.

Maybe using portion sizes is another alternative.

Hello Edgar, Nice to hear from you again :)

"Item selected" rule won't solve your problem because you'll first *select an item* and then you should click somewhere for *applying discount*.

Choosing an item for applying discount will hide ticket based buttons, display item based buttons and display modifier screen if configured. So if doing it with modifiers won't work, we won't be able to find an another rule based solution unless I implement additional custom button creation feature for ticket items which leads us to V3 Order Tag implementation.

Can you share your thoughts about modifier solution? Why it does not work?

Hi Emre,

I havnt had time to try anything yet but speaking to my brother he was taking about this scenario.

Sometimes he may want to sell off slow selling items at a certain percentage off. ie if something is nearing use by date.
or if some line of products ar slow selling.

I was trying to think of a way that the staff could set up and use quite quickly and a item discount button seemed to be the solution since the other options for discounts seem to be global operation. (Discount on whole bill)

You could work out the discount and use the change price button i suppose.

And thanks for a great programme. I appreciate your hard work. I also appreciate John's input and help. (and everybody else!!)



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