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How to track tip of waiters?

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since I know how to track tip amout of one waiter and since when we have more than one waiter working, I need to track tip of all the waiters.
In Brazil is autamaticly added 10% tip.
I want to know how much money do I have to pay them.


Hi Ondra,  I came across this thread were the topic has been discussed which you may have already seen.


hope it helps


Additionally.. You can track waiter by ticket by configuring a Ticket Tag for Waiter and Waiter Names as Sub tags. That will group all ticket amounts by waiter name on WPR.

For automatically adding %10 to all tickets you'll configure a service template and activate it in department settings. That will add another section to WPR for displaying total tip amount.

If you need more precise control you can create individual service templates for each waiter and instead of activating them in department settings you can map them to waiter tag with actions and rules. Servicing amount will added as soon as you select a waiter tag and you'll be able to see tip amounts by waiter on WPR.

I think http://doc.sambapos.org/doku.php/en/tips/how_to_track_and_change_tip_amount_while_creating_ticket tutorial will give the idea. Instead of creating tags for tip amout, you'll create tags for waiters.

I really, really would like some help here. I have been struggling for days now to try to setup separate waiter tips on the WPR.

Can you please assist with more detailed advice? I have created the service templates but do I need actions and rules for all the waiter names and what should the event names be etc....? I have created a tag called waitron with sub tags which are the waiters names. can I use this or should I create a ticket tag for each waiter?


"If you need more precise control you can create individual service templates for each waiter and instead of activating them in department settings you can map them to waiter tag with actions and rules. Servicing amount will added as soon as you select a waiter tag and you'll be able to see tip amounts by waiter on WPR."


You need a Ticket Tag called waitron (which you have) with all of the waiters names as Sub-Tags. You only need 'Use on POS' ticked.

Create a Service Template for each waiter, for example

Template Name - John - Tips
Calculation - Fixed amount (set to what ever you want if you don't use fixed amount tips)
Rate/Amount - 2.50 <-- this amount is over ruled by the Action Amount below so can be 0

Create an Action for each waiter

Action Name - John - Tips
Action Type - Update Ticket Service Amount
Service Template - John - Tips
Amount - [Setting Value] <-- this amount is what gets used by the Service Template and is set in the Rule below

Create a Rule for each waiter

Rule Name - John - Tips
Event Name - Ticket Tag Selected
Tag Name = waitron
Tag Value = John <-- this is the name you set in the Ticket Tag Sub Tags
Select Action - John - Tips
Setting Value - 2.50 <-- The tip amount to add to the ticket

And that's it. When a waiter selects their name, a service charge is added to the ticket and recorded under sales in the WPR. See attached.

** Update - I made a small change to the Action & Rule so we can easily remove the service charges from a ticket.


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