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How to track tip of waiters?

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So you say "Why did you make that small change above?"
"Just remove the waiter and the service charge is removed"

Well, no. Once you add a service charge it stays on the ticket. So to remove it we need another Rule which will contain all of the Actions that add the waiters service charge, but we set the Setting Value to 0, and this removes the service charge.

To remove waiter service charge

Create a Rule - Remove Waiter Service Charge
Event Name - Ticket Tag Selected
Tag Name = waitron
Tag Value =  0
Select Actions - {All of the waiters tips actions, ie John - Tips)
Setting Value - 0 <-- set to zero for all actions

Now, save the Rule, and close the Rule List tab. Open the Rule List again and edit Remove Waiter Service Charge rule. Now the only change you need to make is to remove the 0 from Tag Value. Why, because we need tag value to be NULL and this is the only way to do that. Save the rule.
Logout and logon.

Now when you remove a waiter, the service charges are also removed.


Awesome, thanks for the very prompt reply. I will implement these changes and update the board on my findings.



Still struggling, your help is appreciated!

Lets take a step back:

I have a Ticket tag called Gratuity with these settings:

Ticket tag name: Gratuity
Use on POS & free tagging checked
Tag type: Price
And some numbers as sub tags

Action called: Gratuity
Action type: Update ticket service amount
Service template: Gratuity
Amount [Gratuity Amount]

Rule called: Update Gratuity when tag selected
Event name: Ticket tag selected
Tag name = Gratuity
Action: Gratuity amount [Tag Value]

This allows me to display the gratuity button at the pos home screen and carries it through onto the bill. This is working well.

I followed your steps below considering what I have but the WPR does not show the waiter name or individual tip amount.

I am not sure if I should remove or add something, can you help?

Also the ticket tag waitron does not appear on the bill or any other tickets, I have guest count working but the names of the waitrons does not want to display, not sure if this is related to the above.

Thanks again


Is the waitron button showing on the left of the POS screen?

Yes, see attached:


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