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prompt to print receipt?


Hi! I have SambaPOS set up to print to just one printer, but it prints both customer receipts and kitchen tickets. I am a take-out only place so I cash out customers when they place the order.There are a couple problems:

1) my printer doesn't have a cutter, meaning if I have it print both the kitchen ticket and a customer receipt I have to tear the slip by hand to separate the two. This doesn't look good.

2) Most customers don't want their receipt so I end up wasting lots of paper.

It seems to me that both problems could be solved if Samba prompted the cashier whether or not to print a customer receipt. Meaning, the cashed takes the order and settles it. When the order is settled, Samba would print the kitchen ticket automatically, but pop up a prompt that says "print customer receipt?" That way the cashier can rip off the kitchen ticket off the printer and then click either yes or no (depending on if the customer wants their receipt or not) and Samba would then print the customers receipt (or not, as the case may be).

Any way to do this?

It should print Customer receipts when you click "Print Bill" button.
Did you configured it for printing automatically?

It does print them with the print bill button, but if you use that button it doesn't mark the receipt paid. It only marks it paid if it prints after you settle it, right? And that's an automatic print...

Hi stubby!
I got the same situation like you, but I figure it is better to waste paper than to regret later on.
And I know in some country it is a mandate to give a customer the receipt.

OK, here is the reason why I think that way.
1. The receipt that you can custom with the tender amount and the change back will require you to have an amount type, otherwise there will be no tender (except when you use the pay all button)
2. After you close the ticket, there is no way to get that information back because once you open a new ticket the information reset to zero (if you use John format and I can't think of any other way to over ride this)
3. Thus, you can only reprint the ticket using the last payment option, but I would assume you probably won't get the tender amount and the change amount (coz I never use it, so I just assume, probably I would be wrong).
4. Let's say you can get the tender amount, that would work IF you use it right away. I mean there is no other transaction in between your last ticket closed and when the customer want the receipt. What I mean IF after the first customer paid and there is the 2nd customer right after, then it would be impossible to recall the first receipt since the last payment would be for the 2nd customer now.

Now that's why I still wasting some paper for the receipt, unless maybe there is another way that I haven't think about it!



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