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new types of Reports creation


HI Emre,

Just Wanted to know can we have customized report for the following in samba Pos

1.Today's Sale Analysis which will show Yesterdays Sale  analysis , Current Months average sale analysis along with business deviation{+- %}
2. Collection Report ( cashier, invoice group, payment mode, and day wise summary
3. Non chargeable kot report.

and  wanted to know how to enter the purchase of inventory in credit in he samba pos and the effect in the report section

Sorry we do not support custom report preparation yet...

Entering a transaction document will increase the inventory but it does not credit an account. If you want to track it you can manually credit any account through cash drawer > customer accounts screen.

I have an extremely limited understanding of SQL, but am I right in thinking that...

if samba does not allow custom reports, we can "manually" create our own custom reports by learning SQL (or better yet, finding someone who knows it) and using SQL Server Management Studio?

Additionally can export sales data as csv file and make further analysis on excel.

oh, duh! perfect. i'm going to try that today


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