English Boards > Support

Inventory Management

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THis is the error I am getting

As I can understand from the screen shot Unit column is empty. Try choosing the inventory item by typing the name and pressing the enter key. When an item is properly selected it should display the unit automatically.

Sorry Emre, I have added 2 INventory Items with the same name, but the problem is I am now not able to delete the duplicate INventory Item as it says that it is assigned to end of day record. How do i noe deleteand add it?

Hi Emre,
I have sorted out the Problem but deleting the PeriodicConsumption and PeriodicConsumptionItems from the back-end in the DB directly.
 Now I am able to fix the issue

It would be Good if the INventory ITem name can be set as a primary Key as this would have resolved this issue


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