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Inventory Management

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In reference with storage, can I have different warehouses?? for example, 5 apples in storage and 5 apples at kitchen, and make a transaction document ot bring the apples to kitchen from storage.

adis, for Warehouses have a look at Version 3, it is now in beta stage, but playing around with it , you pretty might get an idea, about new warehouse functions!

Emre, I have a need/ question for inventory management. I showed it to my restaurant manager and he told me, that he misses a lot the possibility to work with different inventory presentations. For example here in Mexico it is very common to buy the same ingredient  in different variation. On shop sells it in USA weight (ounces, etc) and others offer the same in kg or g but lets say differnt can size. So in order to keep recipes working fine, each ingredient in stock must be recalculated to the unit recipe uses, before filling  a the transaction document for any purchase made.

It was a good step to add this base unit stuff, but if you buy a lot of products that come in different sizes or maybe change package size, you really go mad updating your stock. Please let me know, if something like this is planned, would be an awesome feature! I guess, it is just adding a column or destinguin between product uni and recipe unit.

Another awesome features would be to link products directly to stock, because any restaurant, has many of that type (typical example a can (0.33) of coca cola). So in case of creating lots of 1, 1, 1 recipes one could just click a checkbox anywhere, that product reflects directly same named inventory item or somethink like that.


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