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End of day sales reports



Whats the best way to have a report at the end of each day breaking down sales into two categories.  Ideally with the cash up report I'd like to see the total of all food sales net of tax and the total of all drinks net of tax.

I assume its going to be to do with either the Group Code or Tag?  I'm not 100% clear on if using tags will then interfere with other functions if I need to use tags for something else?  And then would I set up a print job for the end of day report or is there already a template out there for this?


We just use the CSV Builder, which can be run by the day, week, month, etc. or a range and exported. I do one each week for my detailed weekly reports as well as a monthly one for more higher level reports. The CSV takes just a little time to understand, but is very useful.

With the lack of documentation (not complaining!!!), I have found it's more of a trial and error when it comes to tags and groups and how they are used, unless you can VERY CLEARLY explain what it is you are trying to accomplish and the Samba geeks can lead you in the right direction.

Good Luck!!


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