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Chinese caracteres on the ticket

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Thanks a lot for your software, it s really nice!

I have a problem with chinese charactere, right now, each time I print a ticket with chinese caracteres, it print "???' instead of "薯条" for exemple.

Do you have any way to add a font or something on samba directory?

Thanks for your help



What type of a printer are you using?

Thanks for your answer

I had a chinese POS before with which I was able to print Chinese caracteres, so I don t think the printer is the reason

Anyway printer brand is one BOSHI BS-160KL,  and three BOSHI BS-163KN

Thanks for your help!


I asked it to understand if you are using a thermal printer or a different type of printer.

First of all open Ticket Printer from Printers list and try changing codepage to 936 or 950. You can find a list of all code pages from this list. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd317756(VS.85).aspx

I never worked with Chinese supported printers before but AFAIK Chinese character set should be enabled on printer device if not enabled before. Please check if it is enabled or not from printer driver tool application.

Alternatively you can try enabling/disabling it by sending custom printer commands. These commands temporarily changes printer settings until reset, power off. Useful if you need to toggle some settings while printing.

According to ESC-POS documentation Chinese mode enables / disables by FS & and FS . commands. SambaPOS supports sending custom commands to printer with <XCT> tag. FS & (enable) should be sent as <XCT 28,38> and FS . (disable) command should be sent as <XCT 28,46>

So to try these commands open a printer template, add <XCT 28,38> line where you want to enable Chinese characters and add <XCT 28,46> line where you want to disable Chinese characters. They should be separate lines and you can try adding first one to the beginning of the header template and the other one to the end of footer template.

I hope it helps. Let me know if it works or not.

Note: Yesterday I've requested a sample printer from our hardware vendor and if it supports Chinese I'll try this when it delivers.

any updates?

I tried the suggestions, but no success yet. I'm using a thermal printer (specifically POS-X evo-rp1). I've installed the driver with 936 Chinese support and changed the character set to 936. No luck there. When I tried putting in the <XCT..> tags, the printer would print the ticket up to where the first <XCT> tag appears and then stop without auto-cutting like it usually does.


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