English Boards > Support

Chinese caracteres on the ticket

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I didn't tested Chinese printing yet but we have users at China :) I'll try to contact them to ask how they did that..

um...i love you? haha but seriously though, thanks!


--- Quote from: emre on May 02, 2012, 06:13:34 am ---I didn't tested Chinese printing yet but we have users at China :) I'll try to contact them to ask how they did that..

--- End quote ---
Hey, I want to ask whether you figure out how to use Chinese character in ticket printer

It works if encoding settings of the printer correctly setup.
Some users reported it works fine with Chinese, Greek and Arabic character sets.

I installed SambaPos on my win 7 laptop, I change ticket printer to text, it can print Chinese correctly, but when i try to print chinese on a Win xp pro sp3, ticket printer will print error, and text mode will print everything vertically, one character each line. I think it is weird, not sure it is driver issue or samba issue. Have you see anything like that before?


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