The script is setup for a local MSSQL database. If you need to connect to a remote database you will need to edit the MigrateDB.bat file and replace the following line
Export2sqlce "Data Source=%mssql%;Initial Catalog=SambaData2;Integrated Security=True" SambaData2.sqlce
Export2sqlce "Data Source=%mssql%;Initial Catalog=SambaData2;Integrated Security=False;User Id=sa;Password=sambapos;" SambaData2.sqlce
Making sure you enter the MSSQL User Id & Password you set when installing the MSSQL Instance.
Then you need to edit the SambaTrain.bat file and add the User Id & Password to the MSSQL connection string.
set mssql=D620-PC\SAMBAPOS; user id=sa; password=sambapos;
If you are running a domain controller or if all your PC's (including the MSSQL Server) have the same logins, and passwords, then you shouldn't have to change any of this. But then again it is MSSQL
** Just updated the files to reflect these notes **