English Boards > Support

Cash Drawers

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Hi All,

What support is in SambaPOS for cash drawers?

You can connect the cash drawer to the thermal printer. Adding <DRAWER> command in a printer template will open the cash drawer.

Hi there, would there also be a possibility to open the cashdrawer when I press the "cash" button?

Yes you can configure SambaPOS to do it by creating an automated Print Job.

First of all you'll need to create an empty printer template for sending only <DRAWER> command to printer:

* Create new "Printer Template"
* Name it as "Open Drawer"
* Enter <DRAWER> to Header Template.Now we'll create a Print Job to send this template to printer when payments contains Cash.

* Create new "Print Job"
* Name it as "Open Cash Drawer Job"
* Auto Print After: will be Ticket Paid
* Auto Print for Payment Types: check only Cash
* Add a Print Mapping, leave every columns (*). Choose the printer from Printer Column and Choose Printer Template as Open Drawer. The printer should be the printer connected to the drawer.
* Save it, open Terminals, open Server and add this print job to the Print Jobs list.Thats all. Now SambaPOS should open cash drawer automatically when a payment includes cash payment.

Instead of doing automatically you can create a "Open Drawer" button. Do everything the same but while creating the Print Job:

* Enter "Button Name" as "Open Drawer".
* Auto Print After: will be Manual
* Uncheck Display at POS Screen
* Leave Display at Payment Screen checked.Now you'll have a "Open Drawer" button in the payment screen. When clicked it should open Cash Drawer.

If drawer connected directly to a COM port, you can create a new Printer, change printer type to Port Printer, name it with Port Name, add required port commands to a printer template and send this printer template to the Port Printer. We operate COM port connected "cash register" devices through port printers but  required port commands to open drawer might vary by Cash Drawer model. So operating it with a thermal printer is easiest way.

Thank's, I tried it that way, the only thing it prints a small ticket with the number "414", but doesn't open the cash drawer. I've got connected a "Bixolon SRP350" Ticket printer and the cash drawer is connected directly with the printer. Worked fine with the POS I used before. Any idea???


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