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Cash Drawers

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Today we tested it with a cash drawer and fixed all of these little issues. It should work fine as 2.75, thanks.

Is there some way i can test the cash drawer without a Cash Drawer. I configured the demo(notead rinter.

I have configure Oen Drawer onlyfor Csh and Voucher Transaction. SO it rints a blank age in case of cash/ voucher transaction and in case of Credit card it retains the rint Bill temlate. Should I consider as a success scenario?

Actually i dont have a cash drawer i will be getting it only by  next week. Sorry for such questions

From what you have described, it sounds like its working. There is no better test then with the actual equipment.

For printers, you need to make sure they are ESC/POS compatible and have a Cash Drawer Kick port (RJ11). In the specs for the printer it should list this and specify the voltage - most are 24VDC (some can be 12VDC). You need to make sure the cash drawer is the same voltage.

I have used 2 different receipt printers with two different cash drawers and all have worked fine.

I have a query about the printers. FB the link for the thermal  printer I am planning to purchase.

http://www.tvs-e.in/product.aspx?pid=5 - Rp -3160 Model

Does our Samba works on Windows/DOS mode printing? The reason behind asking this question is the technician was telling that if it is DOS mode printing then it cannot be shared on the network.

He also was saying that the cash Drawer will open automatically either before/after printing the receipt based on the configuration. Can we not send <DRAWER> command to open the drawer only when required. He said that the cash Drawer will be connected to the printer through RJ11 jack. Let me know if samba can print on a networked computer through this printer.

I have asked this question to John, posted here so that others can as well benefit from his replies.

Mozhi it looks like that tech guy confused you a little. All similar equipment supports most used standards and I don't think your equipment will need any special software feature. Almost every restaurants uses shared printers for kitchen printing and AFAIK that works fine.

Also I don't think that printer will forcibly open cash drawer on every print because it will be useless for most people. I never saw that kind of printer feature before but if such feature exists you should be able to disable it. You can configure SambaPOS for sending cash drawer signal under specific conditions (for example on cash payment) or you can do it manually by adding "Open Drawer" button on payment screen. More information about configuration exists on first page of this topic.


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