English Boards > Support

Cash Drawers

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Can you try replacing <DRAWER> command with <XCT 27,112,48,55,121> command?

Yes!!!!!   Great, it works. Thank's a lot!

we are now working a few days with the open cash drawer and it works fine, just one thing i wanted to comment. An example: i print the bill, for example with an amount of 18€, go to the table with the bill, they give me 20€, i come back and press the 20€ button and the cash button, so it shows me change 2€ but doesn't open the cash drawer.
so i have to press the close button than it opens the cash drawer but it also deletes the change field, so I have to remember the change before. :P, would be great if it opens in the moment i press the cash button not the close button.....
is it possible to change that?

Hello willibcn. Very nice idea.
I think you need an additional "Auto Print After" option in Print Job settings and that should trigger immediately on cash payment received.

Until we implement this you can add an "Open Drawer" button in payment screen to open it manually without leaving payment screen. I described it on my first post.

Thank's emre, that's what I made. Every day a little change.  :)


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