English Boards > Support

Modifiers not affecting Inventory



I have recently setup a Pizza Outlet. What we have is Pizza Cones and we have Fries & Coke as modifiers. We've assigned Soft Drinks (Product) to Fries & Coke modifier and also set up the inventory and recipe accordingly. So when we order a simple Soft Drink the inventory gets adjusted, but when the same product i.e. Fries & Coke is selected the inventory for Soft Drinks is not adjusted.

In short we need to adjust the inventory for modifier items and we are unable to do so. Does anyone else encountered the same problem. Please help. thank you.

I'm having a similar problem.  When I add a modifier to a product, the inventory is not updated even though I have mapped the modifier to a recipe and the recipe to the inventory (like for a product). The inventory update works great for the product, but does not work at all for the modifier.

Hello oiqbal. I think you didn't create a recipe for base product. Create a recipe for Pizza Cones and modifier inventory tracking will work fine.

thanks emre. Its working now..



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