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Multiplier, Default properties, Tag and Portion! What are theses?


What is multiplier in product portion do?
And What are Default properties, Tag and Portion in Edit Product Property screen in Menu list?


* Multiplier setting is useful for using weight barcodes or entering gram quantity of a product from numberpad. For example if Meat KG price is $15 entering 750 (gr) as quantity will convert it to 0,75 (kg) when multipler configured as 1000
* Default properties is useful for configuring automatically selected modifiers of a product. You can enter multiple modifier names separated with comma.
* We use Tag setting for grouping menu item buttons under sub menus.
* Portion setting will define default portion of the item. If an item have "Large" portion and you enter Large here clicking menu button will add the item with "Large" Portion.

Thank you emre,


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