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Printing ticket to big font

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afte many tries i just can change the size of the font of my template im using a cannon mp210 printer for the tickets i added a pic of the prined ticked is there any way to make the letters smaller? alrdy tried with <J00> but the leeters are still too big to enter  inside of my paper tried both HTML and TEXT print but in both the letters are too big.
Ill apreciate any idea
Thanx in advance

Can you try entering smaller numbers to "Line Character Count" setting of the printer until it fit lines to the paper?

If i put less characters on the line it will cut the name thats all it wont rezise it i need smaller letters so everything can fit

Character count is at 1 dosnt matter how small number i use there

Most formatting commands will be effective for ESC-POS emulated ticket printers. For inkjet printing you can use HTML printing. I didn't exposed any setting for HTML printing and it generates a fixed output but with a small hack you can use different fonts. 

Open Start Menu > SambaPOS 2 > SambaData shortcut. It should display a folder that contains a file named "SambaSettings.txt". First of all create a copy of this file for backing it up. Open it. You'll see a line something like font-family: 'Courier New', monospace;
just under that line insert this line.

Be careful while inserting that line. Try not to change any other value.
Now restart SambaPOS and it should print with smaller sized fonts on HTML mode. You can change 12px value as you need. SambaPOS reads these values on start up so you need to restart SambaPOS whenever you change it.

If something goes wrong and you get errors while starting SambaPOS overwrite backup file and try again.

I'll be happy if you can share the result.

IT worked woderfully so many thanks for your time and one more think oncei print the ticket the amounts are left justified but i need the numbers right justified.

PS. When i use the command  pipe (|) it only prints the symbol
is there another kind of commands for HTML printing if so ill apreciate to have some manuals if possible
Thanks so much for your time.


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