English Boards > Support

Missing Ticket Number


Hi Emre,

We are now using SambaPOS for our outlet operations and after day1 of operations we have encountered a strange problem which we are not able to figure out. One of the Ticket Numbers has been skipped by the application and we cannot understand why.

In the Find Ticket window after ticket#111 the system has generated ticket#113 and skipped #112. I have attached the screenshot of the application and the database table in which the ticket records are being maintained.

I would appreciate if this can be explained. Thank you.

DB Screenshot

Ticket number is something generated by SambaPOS and on some cases this number may generated twice to be able to maintain uniqueness. Generally assigning numerator to ticket tags or executing print jobs dynamically by actions may result with missing ticket numbers. Since these numbers are configurable from numerator settings we can't use database generated numbers that ensures uniqueness. Real ticket number is the Id number of the ticket and if needed you can print this number on tickets by using {ticket id} tag.

That does not mean tickets are lost. It means for some reason number generator worked twice. If you did not used tag numerators or print job executing rules I'll be happy if you can let us know the reason if you notice something different.

Thank you Emre, I will check and verify if proper ticket numerator has been assigned. Also we are using ticket numbers as it becomes easier for our accountant to tally the invoices with the system and ensure that everything is working properly so we'd stick with ticket numbers.



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