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Samba crashes!

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I need to see an error message to be able to understand the reason.
There is a sambadata2.sdf file under my documents / SambaPOS 2
Send this file to info@sambapos.org
I'll try to find the error.

Ok, sent with subject "Andys49er error"  Thanks!

Hi andys49er. I tested your file on my computer and it works fine for me. The only similarity between report viewer and the printer template editor screen is the document displayer component that we use for displaying formatted data. This component is included in .net framework 4.0 so reinstalling it sholud solve your problem.

Hint: If you want to test it on a different computer copy that sdf file under mydocuments / SambaPOS2 folder and you'll be able to see your data.


So I uninstalled and reinstalled .NET Framework 4.  Now I'm getting another error message on startup. 

Error Message:
Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider.  It may not be installed.

Since you are running SQL Compact 4.0 you can try reinstalling it.


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