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Portions & Modifiers


Hi Emre,

Not sure if this question has been asked before but  I wasn't able to find an answer on the forums. We have pizza's in different sizes and we are managing the different sizes by defining portions i.e. Small, Regular, Medium and Large. Now we have modifiers for extra toppings such as Extra Cheese, Extra Olives, Extra Mushrooms etc.

The problem we are facing is that we have defined a fixed price for portions i.e. Extra Cheese $1.0 but this is only applicable to Small Pizza. If a Regular, Medium or Large pizza is selected we need to increase the price of the Extra Cheese modifier as well to $1.2, $1.4 or $1.6 respectively. Is there anyway we can do this.

-- Another question is that when we add a new product there is a drop down TAG on the right side, what is that used for.

-- Also we have a special deal on every day of the week where one of our pizza is sold on a special price. For instance Monday - Chicken Fajita $10, Tueday - Veggie Pizza $10, Wednesday - Cheese Pizza $10. How can we define this for each specific day.

-- Lastly we need to create some custom reports in excel using the CSV function, can we do this on our own using the code, if yes can you please provide some guidelines.

I hope that I've explained my problems properly. Thank you.

p.s. the prices are examples don't be surprised that we're ripping off our customers :).

For your first question You can have 2 Modifier Groups, however you will have both modifiers in POS. This is because you use the same Product with different Portions.
My suggestion is have 4 Separate Products for each size and assign a different Modifier Group for each Product.

--I think TAG is used to put any description that can be used in the PRINTER TEMPLATE. And for some reason {ITEM TAG} is not showing in the Template.

--It is possible; Create a Trigger for every Saturday (example), Create an Action  to Update Ticket Item Price Tag; Add a Rule to execute the Action upon Trigger. Create a Price Definition and in the Price Editor enter the new prices.
Please check this link http://sambapos.org/en/content/sambapos-251-test-release

--Since I am not a coder, therefore I do not know. But I am curious to know what reports you require.

Hope this helps.

Hey Evail

Thanks for the help, i figured out the trigger, action and rule combo. As for the reports, we are having problems with the inventory reports. Since we cannot take a print of the End of Days record so what we're doing right now is taking a screen shot and then taking prints. As for the inventory reports we needed a report showing variance of the Inventory Prediction and Inventory Consumption as that would enable us to analyze the total wastage during production.



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