English Boards > Support

Subtraction from Recipee


Hi Emre,

Just came across another twisted scenario. When some of our orders are placed usually customers request us to remove lets say Bell Peppers or Jalapenos from our Pizza toppings, I know that we can give them a discount in price by adding a negative amount, but can we also do the same with our recipes. For instance if my Pizza recipe has 50gms of Jalapenos and a customer requests us to remove that, so we give him a discount of say $0.50 but can we also not adjust the inventory for 50gms or do we do that manually.


Instead of entering Jalapenos to pizza recipe you can map them to a modifier.

If you include "Jalapenos" modifier name in "menu item settings > default properties" it will automatically select Jalapenos modifier when you choose pizza and if you remove that modifier it won't decrease inventory.


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