Author Topic: Subtraction from Recipee  (Read 14497 times)


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Subtraction from Recipee
« on: July 06, 2012, 05:31:06 pm »
Hi Emre,

Just came across another twisted scenario. When some of our orders are placed usually customers request us to remove lets say Bell Peppers or Jalapenos from our Pizza toppings, I know that we can give them a discount in price by adding a negative amount, but can we also do the same with our recipes. For instance if my Pizza recipe has 50gms of Jalapenos and a customer requests us to remove that, so we give him a discount of say $0.50 but can we also not adjust the inventory for 50gms or do we do that manually.



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Re: Subtraction from Recipee
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2012, 04:42:55 pm »
Instead of entering Jalapenos to pizza recipe you can map them to a modifier.

If you include "Jalapenos" modifier name in "menu item settings > default properties" it will automatically select Jalapenos modifier when you choose pizza and if you remove that modifier it won't decrease inventory.