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Screen Changes


Hello again all!

As another post - I went in and changed the menu to be other categories (i.e. to include drinks, tapas and so on) hit 'save' and unfortunately now when I select 'POS' from the main screen, all I get is the normal stuff on the left, and tiny small product buttons over on the left (the calculator/buttons have vanished). I'm baffled as I thought I could rename a menu, then go in and add products to it?

It's very odd - I even tried removing the program and reinstalling, but It still 'remembers' that I've changed things and all of the right of the screen (and central buttons) are missing.

Any suggestions to either do a clean install or find why I have these tiny graphics and nothing else would be greatly appreciated :)

If you are using Compact SQL database there should be a file named SambaData2.sdf under MyDocuments\SambaPOS2 folder. Deleting it and restrarting sambapos will recreate default database.

Alternatively you can try creating a new menu from stratch. Basically you'll add categories and add menu items under categories.

That's great - thank you for your prompt reply! Am really loving the software BTW! :)

hit the same problem

after changing the group codes of products the changes won't be seen in POS mode until you redo the menu list (remove the old group code and add the new group code)


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