Author Topic: End of Work Period Denomination Counter  (Read 16264 times)


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End of Work Period Denomination Counter
« on: July 17, 2012, 04:36:11 am »
Hi Emre,

I would like to add a Denomination Cash Counter when ending Work Period.
Possibly whenever you end a Work Period a Box will pop up and will have Denominations and you enter the Count of each denomination.
Whilst calculating the total matching with the Work Period Sales.
It will show any discrepancies with the Cash Count and Actual Sales.

And would like to show the Cash Count and the discrepancy in the Work Period End Report.



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Re: End of Work Period Denomination Counter
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2012, 05:09:08 pm »
Hello evail. These days I'm working hard for creating a V3 alpha release. I'll publish some news about that in a couple weeks. In our plans we'll implement a feature called "End of day tasks" for V3 and this feature might be a part of it.

In our country cash denomination is not a widely used feature. Can you tell me a bit more about it? How it works? Should we track received and changed units at payment entry screen?


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Re: End of Work Period Denomination Counter
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2012, 08:37:22 am »
Its basically a additional window when you End Work Period.
A window will pop up with different Cash Denominations Ranging from 500 notes to 0.25 coins depending on the particular Country.
The user will only have to enter the count of each denomination. And the window will calculate the total.

The main purpose for this is to check whether the Sales entered is tallying with the Actual Cash. Ofcourse the opening cash amount is also taken into account.

And you can show the Cash Denomination Count in the Work Period Report, as well show the Cash shortage or excess.

This will track if any significant difference has being taken place. Minor difference with decimals also can be taken into account for accounts purpose.


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Re: End of Work Period Denomination Counter
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2012, 11:07:34 pm »
To show graphically I have attached a sample which I made up.

Sales Activity shows all the Inflows. Sales Adjustments are Non Cash Items and Cash Expenses which are deducted from the Total Activity.
Therefore based on the transactions entered in POS the amount to be deposited is calculated.

Over/Short shows the Difference between the Media Count and the Amount Available for deposit.

The image should have Short (-202.00) I mistakenly put there (-2).