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Sub Menu & Special Customers


CONGRATULATION for this great work !!!!!!

I have a Cafe in Greece and I have two questions..

1) How can I view a sub Menus ?

eg. In Main Menu I have Coffees, Drinks, Beers, Soft Drinks....  In Drinks Category I want to view Whiskies, Vodkas, Rums, Wines....... And I want to have and sub category on Whiskies -> Normal, Special...   On Normal->Johnny Walker Red, Cutty Sarks, Grant's... On Special->Johnny Walker Black, Chivas Regal 12, Dimple 15....
and same on Vodkas, Rums, Wines...

(Drinks->Whiskies->Special->Chivas Regal 12)

2) How can I make standard discount on Special Customers ?

eg. Owners -> 100% discount
      Employees-> 30% discount

Can I view a button on Left column or on Discount ?

Thanks in advance

Hello Thesher, Welcome to SambaPOS Forums. It is great to hear from our neighbours ;)

1. Sub Menu feature demonstrated here http://sambapos.org/en/content/sambapos-252-test-release
2. We discussed lots of different promotion cases here http://forum2.sambapos.org/index.php/topic,110.0.html

I hope it helps. Thanks.

Thanks a lot for your answer !!!

It is possible on Top menu "Drinks" to have ONLY sub menus Whiskies, Vodka, Rums... with ZERO item on "Drinks"?

It must have at least one item on Tag to create a sub menu?

You'll tag all items in drinks category as whiskies, rums, ect.. so nothing will display other than sub-menu buttons when you click drinks button.

SambaPOS may display most used 10 items under category buttons for easier use. Check this link for more info: http://forum2.sambapos.org/index.php/topic,178.msg772.html#msg772


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