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SambaPos works perfect with Magnetic Swipe Cards !!!


I would like to let you know that SambaPos works perfect with Magnetic Swipe Cards without need to any programming modification. These cards are very cheap 100 only= 15 pound on ebay. You will need to buy a  magnetic card reader, ask your hardware vendor, they must have one.  Finally, you need to get somebody to program these cards for you or you can buy a card writer (on ebay) and do it yourself. It is quite simple.

Great!!. Thank you very much for helping us on testing it and sharing results.
Can we assume it will work fine with proximity cards ?

I have been using these cards. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/mag-swipe-card-blank-pvc-HICO-CR80-printable-magnetic-stripe-cards-pack-of-25-/110923046694?pt=UK_BOI_Retail_Shop_Fitting_POS_Equipment_ET&hash=item19d3875f26

Sorry, I have no knowledge about proximity cards. I have just read about them. They seem to me more advance and expensive.

Yes they are more expensive but with keyboard emulated proximity card readers they works like magnetic cards. The benefit will be using it without the need of swipe. I don't know if it will be useful or not because we don't want waiters to log in while walking in front of the POS station :)


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