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Printing ticket with logo


hello Emre,i tried using a restaurant logo in the settings of the ticket but it never worked.The image was in jpeg format.i dont know whether i have to convert to bmp or??Please give me the steps.Please.....we are so stuck here.

As shown on this sample images should be BMP files

Creating a 72dpi image will make it easier to position on ticket header.

I am trying to configure SambaPOS to print a logo on the receipt, but the logo prints with vertical gaps, which seems to have something to do with not switching to graphics mode. I couldn't find a solution to the problem after trying various printer configurations and image dpis. The printer I am using is an "AURORA 808 KC", it supports a 203dpi max. and is printing graphics fine if I print them through another software like MSPaint. I am attaching an image of the printout. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, New to samba but in the past i have uploaded a bitmap to the printer and then called the software to print the logo from its memory. This is normally quicker as well. I know that I can do this on epson and citizen thermal printers but unsure about yours. Just an idea to look in to. I have not tried it myself yet but I am planning to see if it possible.


Hi Matt,
I did come across this option for Epson printers, and even though the Aurora printer that I am using does not come with a software to upload a logo, its driver shows me a list of logos that can be chosen as header/footer images, so I think that may be possible.
What I am trying to do, though, is to generate a unique QR code for each ticket (maybe pre-generate the next code upon each printed receipt) and print it at an arbitrary position on the ticket - so I don't have the option to use a static image. I know that capturing the print request event from windows log should not be a big deal, but I need the printer to print flawless images for the QR code to work.
I am pretty sure this is about sending some code to the printer to make it switch to graphics mode and back, but my experience with printers is limited to 3D printers :-(


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