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CALLER-ID documentation?

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I searched the forums and can't really find caller-id howto. Only post saying that a caller-id device is sold on the Samba market.

I have a device from Artech, a Taiwanese company, model AD101. http://www.artech.com.tw/showdetail.php?id=108&lang=EN

It's just a generic USB connected CallerID device, same as the one sold on Samba OS market. It's comes packaged with documentation, demo application (which worked and displayed caller number), and sample source code.

Anyone successfully installed a caller ID device please share what they did?

Any help appreciated, thanks


I am searching for same info too and  need some guidance on setting up caller-id in UK. I tried a usrobotics serial modem which is caller-id capable, but no luck. Maybe one of the pro users can shed some light on this topic.

yeah, in this post http://forum2.sambapos.org/index.php/topic,191.0.html emre is saying SambaPOS works with generic Caller ID boxes, so should be doable on our hardware. Only can't find info how..

Strider, what callerid hardware are you using?

sofar I have only tried a USR Serialmodem but tomorrow I am ordering a usb modem


i ll let you how I get on with it.

Sorry slabo your device driver is different than ours...
Does anyone knows a common way to handle these devices? Should we include all known libaries?


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