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Move installation to different PC


I would like to install SambaPOS on a PC to test and setup and when it is done, move the database to a different PC. Is this possible? That way I don't have to work on location until everything is done.

You can create a backup of your database with SQL Management Console and restore it on production system.
If you are using SQL CE copying SambaData2.sdf file under [my docuıments]/SambaPOS2 will be enough.

You can read more about it here

thanks for the quick reply, that's exactly the info i was looking for. will be installing this for a friend at her bar (in Amsterdam) because ther current software supplier wants a lot of money to update her system to work with the new VAT rate the dutch goverment will start using in october.

i hope the sambapos software will be stable enough. teşekkürler!

Money for the VAT rate update? Wow.. Regular charge for the on site service makes sense but I don't know what makes rate change so special :)
Don't worry about the stability. We have users working without any problems for more than a year.



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