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Sales groups and cash layout


I have an administration question. In the financial reports products are ordered by their group tag. Let say I have a group named coffee. In this group I add cake for convenience. The POS layout would be like this
Coffee 1,90
Tea     1,90
Cake   1,00

In our administration however is Cake a different sales group then coffee. Is there a way to add sales group tags (like food, non food, alcohol etc.) to products, and use these in the financial reports instead?

Is it also possible to close the POS after a period (let say a week) and reset all counters to zero? (in usual cash registers often referred to as a Z report)

I installed the latest update, and noticed a huge improvement in the Dutch language. My compliments for this!

Hi rvandam
Product group code is not related with POS layout and it is useful for grouping products in reports.
Pos Layout is related with Menu settings and categories created in it.

Since all search functions on V2 depended to Ticket numbers it will be a problem when you need to find old tickets. On V3 we can improve that.


Thank you for the reply!

I will have a look at this. When will v3 be released? (don't need an exact date, but will it be weeks or months)

Since SambaPOS is a community project it depends on the community effort.
I work hard to bring it to a useful state but IMHO we can't talk about a stable production release in weeks.

Version 2 is very good I was just asking because it would be a pity to make a production pos now, and discover that in the meantime there was a major release. There is no big rush for me, because we have a working pos right now (which is a very user unfriendly one)

I did try your solution, and everything works as expected. Thank you.


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