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Pole/Customer Displays

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Loving SambaPOS more and more every day - keep up the great work.

Is there any support for customer pole displays (http://www.posiflexusa.com/pole_display25.php) and/or a screen for the customer side? A 7inch VGA screen (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/260911133070) would look so good in portrait.

Hello John.. There is no customer display support for now. It can be easily implemented with our port printer feature but I didn't tried it before. I'll request a sample pole display from one of our hardware dealers for testing. If it can be solved easily with port commands I'll prepare a document for needed configuration.

For VGA displays an additional client should be implemented. In fact it is easy to display such display but I'll try pole display before.

I have tried a 20 character by 4 line pole display, and it does work somewhat.

1. Added new COM port printer in windows, and select Generic Text Printer and called it Pole Display
2. Add printer to POS as HTML with 18 character line count
3. Set print template with line item and total (printer formatting commands work as expected), and add print job
4. Set a rule and action to Execute Print Job on Ticket Total Change

Every time an item is added, the display updates.

I had 2 problems
1. I couldn't workout the command to clear the display so the text kept overwriting what was on the display (cls>com1 worked in DOS)
2. You cannot select Last Line as the Printing Content in Print Job, therefore it displays all item lines each time you add a new item to a ticket.

Hope this helps.

Pole Display I used - http://www.mtrans.com.sg/giga_dsp_865.htm

John thank you very much for that great feedback. I understood the way it works. I think we'll be able to implement it easily but I have to try few things such as clearing screen and positioning lines properly. I requested the pole display. I'll try it in a few days.

To be able to select last (4 or whatever) lines I'll add a simple parameter to the print job.

Hello John.
We tried working with a pole display but unluckily burnt it while wiring electrical connections :)

However before burning it I managed to send lines with our port printer so I prepared a Pole display simulator with notepad and programmed required features. We requested another display but until we receive it you can try new features with the new release I recently uploaded.

First of all instead of creating a generic printer you'll setup a port printer and name it as COM1 (or whatever port it connected to)

Here are the new features for preparing custom Customer Display.

Printer Setup:
Line Count setting will define the available lines for displaying orders. For example if you have a 4 line display you'll enter here 3 and that will mean you have 3 lines for transactions. (and one line for total)

Print Jobs:
We added "New Lines by Printer Line Count" setting to Printing Content. If you entered 2 as Line Count on printer setup SambaPOS will fetch last 2 orders while printing.

Rule Events:
Line Added to Ticket: triggers when a new line added to ticket (you can use it instead of Ticket Total Changed)
Change Amount Updated: Triggers when SambaPOS displays a "Change Due" value. Use it for displaying change amounts.
Ticket Closed: triggers when a ticket closed. You can use it for displaying banners on customer displays.
Application Started: Triggers on application start. You can use it for resetting displays.
Payment Received: You can use it for displaying payment totals.

Port Printer commands:
You can use <L>, <R>, <C> and <J> tags for positioning lines. You'll use <XCT x> tag to send commands for clearing display or other supported features by your hardware. On hardware programming manual you'll see the command list that your hardware supports. For example clearing display command is 0C Hex. 0C Hex equals to decimal 12 so you can use <XCT 12> tag for clearing display.

I hope you'll have fun while setting it up. Thanks.


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