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Pole/Customer Displays

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I have had great success with the pole display, and its working extremely well.
The pole display shows welcome text when a user logs in and between tickets, and it displays a bar closed message when a user has logged off.

I have found a little bug with [TenderedAmount] setting value - it returns the ticket total amount.

When running a Delivery department type, I am unable to get a welcome ACC NAME message to show up on the pole display - the rule only seems to trigger if you select a customer during an open ticket, but selecting a customer this way closes the ticket, so you have to reopen it to continue. Any ideas?

Also, is there a way to update the pole display when a modifier has been added to an item - the ticket total updates, but the pole display will not update the total until you select another item, or receive payment.

Hello JohnSCS. These are great news.

1. [TenderedAmount] issue fixed.
2. On that case print job does not activate because there is no orders in ticket. I improved it by checking if a line template exists before rejecting PrintJob because there are no orders. So if you leave line template empty your printjob action will execute even if there are no orders in ticket.
3. With next release modifier selection will execute ticket total changed event and I added additional rule events for detecting modifier and portion selection.

You'll receive them with 2.76 release.. Thank you very much.

1. Great
2. Awesome
3. Just had to change my rule from Line Added to Ticket to Ticket Total Changed - Pole Display now updates as expected - Works perfect.

Thank you so much for attending to this so quickly.

Just adding some pictures of our pole display setup.

POS 002 - Section Closed - When user is logged off
POS 003 - Welcome - When terminal is idle
POS 004 - When a customer has been selected

To be continued

POS 005 - Purchase an item
POS 006 - More items with running Total
POS 007 - Change screen - only when change is required

The displays we use are 4x20 VFD's. Unfortunately they are expensive and not that common.
2x20 displays work well and with some clever formatting can show almost as much detail as I have demonstrated.

Just thought of a Moto
POS'n the World - One Terminal at a time.


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