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Pole/Customer Displays

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I finally tested it on a Pole Display. I fixed some bugs on sending port commands and encodings. I'll release these fixes with 2.74... Thanks.

Thanks for the update.

One issue I have found is that if you center the text using <C> , the second and third lines start at the end of the previous line. <J>, <L> AND <R> work as expected.

Also, what are the template tokens for Payment Tendered and for Change Due ?

After <C> (or when needed) you can try adding <XCT 13,10> for new line... On next releases I'll fix <C> tag as expected.

Since we do not store latest payment values and Change Due value before closing the ticket we'll use a different technique for accessing these values. SambaPOS have ability to store any value in memory and print them when needed. We'll store values with "Update Program Setting" Action and print them with {SETTING:[SETTING NAME]} token.


* Create a new Printer template for displaying Change Due amount screen.
* Paste {SETTING:CHANGEDUE} token where you want to display Change Due amount.Step2

* Create a new Print Job for displaying Change Due screen and name it as you want.
* Like we did on previous steps setup required printer / printer template values and add this print job to terminal setting.Step3

* Create a new action named "Update Setting Value"
* Choose "Update Program Setting" Action type.
* Setting Name will be "[Setting Name]"
* Setting Value will be "[Setting Value]"Hint: When we write values inside brackets that means we'll update these values from rules.

Step 4

* Create a new rule and name it as something like "Update Change Due Value"
* Event Name will be "Change Amount Updated"
* Click Select Actions. Select "Update Setting Value" and "Change Amount Display" actions. Update Setting Value action should be the first action because it should execute before print job.
* Expand blue "Update Setting Value" action by clicking the small arrow. Bracketed variables will appear as you named them. Enter CHANGEDUE for "Setting Name" and choose [Change Amount] from "Setting Value" drop down list.
As you noticed we created an extra action for storing "Change Due" value named as CHANGEDUE and executed that action before executing the print job. And we accessed CHANGEDUE value with {SETTING:CHANGEDUE} token.

You can store any value and print / display them with this technique. You can setup similar rules for displaying Cash, Credit Card amounts or if you created rules for opening cash drawer on payment received you can use same rule for displaying amounts too. Since we setup "Update Program Setting" action to work with variable values there is no need to setup additional actions for updating different values. You can use same action with other rules.

I hope you'll like this. Feel free to ask when you'll have questions.

I know some users will think lots of setup needed but understanding these settings will give you great flexibility. We'll create easy setup screens on further releases.


This is what we achieved together. Pole display and cash drawer demo...

Video is in Turkish but you can watch with English sub-titles. 
Happy new year..

Great video. Well done Emre.


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