English Boards > Support

Zero Amount Sales

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Evail thank you for the explanation. You can mark a zero priced item as gift so you won't get a "zero priced item warning". For ease of use you can enable "Gift" setting for that product on "menu item button" settings. So when you click that item it will appear as "Gift" automatically. Since this item is zero priced it won't change WPE "Gifts" total but it will decrease inventory.


This is great! Thanks a lot Emre.

One more thing is it says "[Undefined]"

How can i assign the Gift Reason to the product.

Thanks Emre.

Sorry. There is no automatic way for assigning gift reasons.
Where it says [Undefined]?

It shows in the Item sales report. See attachment

Hmm this is not the gift reason. It should display user name there.
I'll check that.


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