Author Topic: Adjustments - Replicating current ability  (Read 14181 times)


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Adjustments - Replicating current ability
« on: October 09, 2012, 04:49:55 am »
Hi there

A friend is looking to move away from standalone till systems and into the world of networked, touchscreen systems.

However, there are some features that he needs....all of which I can see are covered by SambaPOS, except one (unless I am missing something).

With his current till systems, he is able to make adjustments to sold items.  It is a feature called Warenrückgabe on his current till system.  Essentially, he can call up a product code, and adjust the total number in there at the end of the day.  This will adjust all figures and reporting to reflect the change he has made.

I don't pretend to understand the reasoning behind it..I just need to know if it is possible in SambaPOS.  He has 3 tills that were leased in the last 3 months that all have this feature and, to move away from them, he wants to make sure it exists.
