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Difference in Tax

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I'm on a business trip so I don't have access to source code for now. Do you notice such difference on latest reports?


Find attached the work period report for the last work period, which is a period of 10 days.

The total of ticket in DB is equal to the TOTAL INCOME in the work period report, that is 15,581.13

However the GRAND TOTAL shows as 15,581.49

I have gone through some tickets in SambaPOS, there is a Balance shown in the receipt with an amount of 0.01

This maybe the cause of the change. therefore please tel me what this "balance" is (shown in the attachment)


Details of receipt in question.

2x Burger @ 9.43 each, total 18.86
tax 1.13

receipt total is 19.99 (see attachment)

After entering the sale @ "Cash Payment"

I go to All Tickets to see the ticket details again.

This time it shows Grand Total as 20.00 and Balance of 0.01

Strange thing is I am able to pay this balance again and again without adding any record, since it doesnt create any new tickets or does not change the balance of the ticket.


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