English Boards > Support

Number of users limit. Pin codes are not working


Hi Guys.

Is there a limit of the amount of users assigned to a role.

I added 22 users originally, 2 admin and 20 as an operator, no problems

I have today tried to add a new user. It accepts it but then when you try and log on the pin is not recognized.

If i tick the admin box then it works as an admin no problem.

I tried to create a second operator role and added it to the user, still nothing.

I tried deleting a current user to drop the number of users on that role and then adding a new one. Still no joy. Then when I tried to re add the user I deleted I hit the same problem. Try the pin and its not accepted.

Could this be down to the database. Im using compact sql.

There was no problems when I initially set it up 3 days ago.

Any Help appreciated.




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