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Connect to Sambapos with tablet

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I am setting op a test pos, and I want to connect to it with a tablet. I am a bit confused how it should work so here are my questions/considerations:

1. the idea is to use remote desktop to connect from te tablet (using a rdp client) to the server, and start the terminal app on the server?

2. the testserver is running a home version of Windows, and the Remote Desktop function is therefore restricted. Is a Windows home version suitable for this, or should I switch to a professional edition.

3. Is it possible to use a VNC solution like Tightvnc (when there is an app available) unstead of remote desktop?

Can anybody point me in the right direction for connecting a tablet with the pos? I am really on the wrong track right now :-(

I did try with VNC but then i take over the screen of the server, so i guess this is the wrong approach...

To use SambaPOS with one or more tablets, for me this solution works fine:

1. Install SambaPOS on a PC (Pentium 4, Core2Duo, i3, ...) with Windows XP Professional (or Vista Business/Ultimate, or Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate)
2. Install Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition 2005 or 2008 (see SambaPOS website for details)
3. Configure SambaPOS to use with SQL Server Express (see SambaPOS website for details)
4. Install Windows Terminal Server Patch in order to use remote desktop with several user accounts simultaneously (give google the keywords "windows 7 terminal server patch")
5. Activate remote desktop server function in Windows; firewall will be configured automatically
5. For each tablet user, create one additional windows user account
6. Configure SambaPOS to use with several terminals; each terminal correspond to one PC or tablet user
7. On your (Android) tablet (best: display with 7 oder 10 inch and resolution of 1024x600 or 1024x768), install app like "2X", which offers connection to a PC using original Windows remote desktop
8. Configure app on your tablet according to your network settings, using a Windows user account on the PC that you created for a tablet user
9. On your tablet, you now remote the Windows desktop and can start the normal SambaPOS program (not the Samba terminal program, as this is for very small displays on PDAs or iPods ...)

Thank you!!!!!!

The Windows Terminal Server Patch was the missing part in my setup. Also tip 9 was very useful for me. Perhaps it would be useful when a mod would place your steps as a sticky topic. I think there are more people looking for this.

Hello Emre and All,
Can I use a Tablet to replace a normal Touch Screen Terminal? A tablet costs cheaper than a bulky Touch Screen..... hehehehe. A Tablet is a Touch Screen, too. It is to be installed in the Front Counter permanently. Not for the waiter/waitress to carry around the restaurant with them.

With this idea, I have the following problems:
1. How do I connect the Thermal Printer with Serial RS232 interface?
2. How do I connect Customer Display? Also with Serial interface.

Has anybody used USB redirection with Terminal Server/RDP client?
If I buy USB Thermal Printer a USB Customer Display, can I redirect the USB data from the Server(in the Restaurant Main Office) to the Client(in the Front Counter)?

Thanks for your help.


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